One of, if not the most important part of being a dub for me was treating others as I'd like to be treated myself. When I left the org I tried to stick to that, the rest of my morels went down the pan to begin with but I never did anything to hurt anybody else. As I grew older and wiser the old habits started to catch up again. They're not the old morels though. I no longer smoke not because of Jehovah but because of the health risks, I don't go out and do party drugs anymore not because of Jehovah but because they don't bloody work anymore and I'm too bloody old.
The sex with attached people thing I've done because it was handed to me on a plate and because back then I used to think with my dick but afterwards I would tear myself up inside about doing it. Now if I were single and in the same situation I probably definitely wouldn't do it again. Its not worth the self hate or the pain it would cause to the husband / boyfriend that's being betrayed.
Growing up in the truth you don't really "grow up" you're not your own person, rather you are this clone that thinks and acts like every other brother and sister. You don't have your own morel code, you have the orgs instead. Leaving the "truth" mean leaving that morel code behind and means learning your own morel code of whats right and wrong for YOU.